Espacios visitables / Main visit points
- Capilla de La Piedad / Chapel of The Pieta
- Capilla de San Andrés / Chapel of St. Andrew
- Capilla de San Cosme y Damián / Chapel of St. Cosme and St. Damian
- Capilla de San Gregorio / Chapel of St. Gregory
- Capilla de la Concepción / Chapel of The Immaculate Conception
- Trascoro / Retrochoir
- Capilla de San Blas / Chapel of St. Blas
- Capilla de Cristo Yacente / Chapel of the lying Christ
- Capilla de Santa Bárbara / Chapel of St. Barbara
- Capilla de Santiago Apóstol / Chapel of St. James
- Capilla del Cristo del Consuelo / Chapel of Christ of the Comfort
- Claustro / Cloister
- Sala de Santa Catalina / Chapel of St. Catherine
- Sala Capitular / Chapterhouse
- Sala de Tapices / Tapestries hall
- Capilla del canónigo Íñigo López Aguado / Chapel of the canon Íñigo López Aguado
- Capilla de Los Cabrera / Chapel of Los Cabrera
- Capilla del obispo Luis Tello Maldonado / Chapel of the bishop Luis Tello Maldonado
- Coro / Choir
- Altar Mayor / Main Altar
- Capilla del Santísimo / Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament
- Capilla de San Pedro / Chapel of St. Peter
- Capilla de San Ildefonso / Chapel of St. Ildefonso
- Capilla de San Geroteo / Chapel of St. Geroteo
- Capilla de San Frutos / Chapel of St. Frutos
- Capilla de San Antonio de Padua / Chapel of St. Anthony of Padua
- Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Rosario / Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary
- Capilla de San José / Chapel of St. Joseph
- Capilla de San Antón / Chapel of St. Anton